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OPTIONS for sending in the Registration Form (pick an option below):

  1. Microsoft Edge may let you save or download your work, but not come back to it. Test it with a little data first to be sure everything works for you.The warning about downloading is for other browsers.
  2. Chrome will let you fill forms out online, but you must print to PDF, to actually save your work for emailing--downloading won't save your data. Test it just to be sure you know how. Also, you can't save and leave and come back.
  3. Firefox does not let you do the forms online.
  4. Downloading forms: You may use Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) or other software to fill out and save the registration forms for emailing. This allows you to come back later.
  5. Phone picture: If you take a fairly decent phone picture of each page and text it to us, there is also a chance we can use it and save you the mailing.
Email registration forms to:
Text pictures of forms to: 620-617-7055
Mail to:      Ardmore Adventist® Academy
                   154 Beaver Academy Rd.
                   Ardmore, OK 73401

Admission Process

Both prospective students and returning students must submit a formal application with the appropriate forms. School personnel will interview new students and their parents or guardians. Returning students/parents/guardians may also be interviewed. All applicants are reviewed prior to admission.


No religious test is required of any student upon entering school, but it is expected that all who apply for admission have an earnest desire to attend our school and will respect the Christian principles of the school, agree to attend Bible class and required religious activities, complete the required religious coursework, and respect the beliefs of others.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Ardmore Adventist Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability in its admission and administration of its educational and admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and extracurricular and other school-administered programs.

Special Education

Ardmore Adventist Academy seeks to provide a quality education for each of its students. Ardmore Adventist Academy may not have the resources available to accommodate or meet the needs of every prospective student. Therefore, we advise parents of prospective children with special educational needs or physical disabilities or special needs to discuss their child’s requirements with the school in detail when they apply.


Other restrictions may apply, including issues of age/maturity, availability of teachers, and class size, etc.

Oklahoma Opportunity Scholarship Funds and sometimes other scholarships are available for enrolled students as long as current funds allocated to the purpose are available and the student family meets our criteria and requirements.

If you are interested in the school, please contact us.

    Download New Student Registration Form    

Download Returning Student Registration Form

School Calendar 2020-2021


NOTE: Handbook and Other Information Anyone desiring a student handbook or other information should contact the principal (620-617-7055).